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Meet our team

Kevin Walsh

Kevin qualified as a fitness instructor in 1989 and began teaching classes in 1990, working for the local authority.

Kevin started work for Belle Vue Centre in 1991 as a supervisor/youth worker and continued to teach fitness both privately and professionally. In 2003 Kevin was made health and fitness manager in the centre and began to plan and run various health projects. Kevin qualified as an exercise on prescription practitioner that year and worked with referrals from GP surgeries and other agencies to improve health, weight management and well-being.

Between 2007 and 2010 Kevin gained various teaching qualifications culminating the certificate in education. Kevin began working officially as a trainer in 2010 and now has extensive experience, and a proven track record in delivering various training programmes such as food hygiene, health and safety, sports leadership and various community management and volunteering qualifications. Alongside this Kevin is also qualified to deliver various forms of alternative educational programmes for young people such as ASDAN CoPE, AoPE, key skills and wider key skills.

Between the years 1989 to 2001 Kevin also competed as an international Paralympic swimmer gaining Olympic bronze and two European bronze medals, two world records, seven British records and nineteen national titles over a fourteen year period and he was also Hartlepool sports personality of the year in 1991.

In his spare time Kevin is a keen musician and singer/songwriter playing various instruments and runs his own music project as a volunteer for his local parish church. He has helped in raising over £25,000 for local charities in performing both as a solo artist and guitarist of a local charity rock band.

Working safely - Hartlepool  - Belle Vue Centre Training  - Training

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01429 801 266

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01429 801 266

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